Above: two parts of a larger design have just finished printing.Left: shows a 3D scan in progress of a cube prepared using our 3D printer.Bottom left: is a 3D laser scan in progress.
Welcome to
3D Reverse Engineering
We are here to make your designs and ideas come to life.Withmorethan30yearsofengineeringandproductdesignexperiencewecansay thatwehaveknowledgeandtechnologytobeabletodeliverrealisticand functionalprototypes.Tomakethisgoalarealitywefocusonthreekeyservices, 3D Scanning, 3D Design and 3D Printing.Whatcanwedoforyou?Wellbeingabletotakeadesignbriefandturnitintoa3 dimensionalmodeliscoretowhatwedo.Oftenforourclientsitsthefirsttime theygettovisualizetheirideainatangibleform.Oncethedesignphaseis complete we can go about making the prototype.Ifyouwouldlikemoreinformationaboutthecompleterangeofserviceswecan offer please feel free to call us on +31 23 3020137 or send us a message.We look forward to being involved in your projects.
Above: two parts of a larger design have just finished printing.Left: shows a 3D scan in progress of a cube prepared using our 3D printer.Bottom left: is a 3D laser scan in progress.
Welcome to
3D Reverse Engineering
We are here to make your designs and ideas come to life.Withmorethan30yearsofengineeringandproductdesignexperiencewe cansaythatwehaveknowledgeandtechnologytobeabletodeliver realisticandfunctionalprototypes.Tomakethisgoalarealitywefocuson three key services, 3D Scanning, 3D Design and 3D Printing.Whatcanwedoforyou?Wellbeingabletotakeadesignbriefandturnit intoa3dimensionalmodeliscoretowhatwedo.Oftenforourclientsits thefirsttimetheygettovisualizetheirideainatangibleform.Oncethe design phase is complete we can go about making the prototype.Ifyouwouldlikemoreinformationaboutthecompleterangeofserviceswe canofferpleasefeelfreetocalluson+31233020137orsendusa message.Welookforwardtobeing involved in your projects.